Quote Originally Posted by Justg View Post
We have our own ideas, but we thought it would be fun to get your impressions as well:

- Why the spike at 5?
- Why the drop from 10 to 11?
- Why the drop from 18 to 19?
- Is the distribution what you would expect?


- g
I read through the thread so far and I had many of the same thoughts as everyone else.

A few things I'd like to add to the mix...

We all assume, I think, that STS' most ideal scenario would be to have the largest spike at endgame. I'm going with that assumption.

Here are my shots in the dark to explain why it hasn't happened...

  1. The higher the level, the more complex and confusing the game can get. In terms of gear, knowledge and skill necessary to be 'top' player, endgame is by far the most challenging. There are zero company-sponsored guides to endgame, and very little in-game guidance to help to players along the way.
  2. Endgame is, by far the absolute most expensive because of the constant stream of new gear. It's no mistake that 41 and 46 remain popular - players don't have to keep up with ever-changing gear demands. Glinstone, Antignome and the rapid release schedule for new weapons have taken a toll.
  3. Lately, to be an endgamer is to be a guinea pig/beta tester.
  4. 41 and 46 combined have more players than endgame, but then I think about the twinks too. Assuming this chart is of active players, you have way, way more players who aren't willing to embrace the latest & greatest at endgame than who are. I'd guess time and expense have a great deal to do with it. I suppose the endgame is still where the most money is though?

Level-based games are notorious for this kind of division. It's sad that the community is so spread out. Imagine how epic PvP and PvE would be if the concentrations were higher. I wish there were more incentive to get players to endgame or at least to have fewer/higher concentrations.