Quote Originally Posted by Marika1 View Post
There are some 3pc mages that show stats. I only have 1 magor and i fought a 3 pc mage who was full elite. He had better stats than me. Did simple math and came to the conclusion that a 3 pc ring is almost the exact equivalent of a mage wearing a full magor set vs a full elite one. If you beat 3 pc magor mages in pvp with your 2pc, i think it's time they quit the game! 3pc is un unfair advantage in pvp.
It's not unfair by any means. This advantage has always been a motivation for oldies to continue playing. As others have stated, even a full magor 3pc is beatable with 2pc. Name a mage you find unbeatable, and you can't. Even though there are many 3pc magor mages, why do you think that is?