Quote Originally Posted by Horme View Post
Dummy killer also hard working by killing thousand times of dummy. Are they worth in lb too? AL CTF game is gonewrong.
Only reset leaderboard count every season, the kdr stat will remain to players as their reward for their hard time. Some of innactive players still in leaderboard.
At least some new time runners can try to compete with them, right?
Dummying isnt hard work, 5k a day and u will get to lb in a week, they deserve a place on a top cheating players lb so everyone can see what they do best.. and i get ur point but why would it be made easy for the new ppl while others had to try so hard for a spot? I get that they want/deserve a shot to, but at least let them put the same amouth of work in it as the rest instead of just erase the once who hold it now and give it away.. Top lb is an earned place by hard working (exept the dummy users on pvp lb)