So, it used to be the norm back in the day for players to spend their precious platinum popping crate after crate hoping for that lucky mythic or arcane item to show up on their screen. That still happens yes, but speaking from my experience I never got lucky or at least it didn't pay off so those days are behind me. Now I buy items to sell with my plat to make gold slowly but surely.

But, That got me thinking, instead of spending 5-15 plat on a crate, why not spend 1-15 plat on a dungeon or map you enter that could yield the same type of items and or better loot/gold chances than normal or elite maps?

It would make spending your plat a little more fun and exciting as you run through destroying mobs and finally a boss wondering if you'll get that lucky valuable item.

You can do this already in a sense for free in certain maps but if the platinum based maps had better rewards with more of a chance to drop depending on how much plat you spend would you run them? Especially if you could loot more plat and other crate based items that were only in those maps.

And of course STS should sell tradable map tokens for players who want to run a certain map but cant spend plat and want to use gold. Either way though, someone has to buy plat and use it on tokens to sell, for someone to enter one of these maps.

What do you think, would you run a map like this?? Does this sound better than opening locked crates?