Quote Originally Posted by WhoIsThis View Post

K/D Ratio means very little, except when its super-low.

Anything above 0.8 generally means that it's pretty decent. Super high is also not something that I can believe because it's too easy to kill boost. You have to see a person in battle several times at least to make an accurate assessment of their skills.

Yeah I agree, partly. If indeed lets say that player A was lvl 27 when he joined lvl 35 pvps, then he got killed again and again. He's pretty strong. stronger than other players his lvl. So he enters, gets killed again n again until his deaths go 100. Then he decides to lvl up and goes all the way to lvl 35 with a pro skill build.
This time he enters and kills all of them. His kills get to 90 on that day. so under the above conditions ONLY does ur way of observation work.
But on the other hand, if a player goes to 1k death counts and 200 kills, that's considered real weak. Seriously. If a team member sees ur avatar, he'll groan lol.
BTW it is NOT easy to get a kill boost. Unless u request that someone lets u freekill him AGAIN and AGAIN.