Wow! Gone for a week and a new patch! Day after Dota 7.00 as well! ..Awesome! Great time in between you guys.
Great nerfs to that dumb ol mag. Finally. He was that one champion you devs re-did right before you guys left for almost a year and was crazy OP.
Removing the freeze from Zaars third was enough, perfect.
and nice, the Gobi nerf that was needed in the last patch. Nice wording you got there "Corrected issue where ability was targeting outside the 'intended' range" lol. Was a great time to be alive if you noticed something was wrong with that skill

Overall, great job Devs. Can't wait to see more. Hopefully monthly/ bi-monthly updates for 2017? ;D
Now gonna go try out Eloia. Support, my specialty
Maybe we get to see more skins a little sooner? Those are really dope. Truly gives the game a little more of flavor and personalization. Would also be really cool if released in duos like Sera+Cinder, maybe like Nova+Violet next?