Yes: pet prices already dropped from 100m/80m/50m/30m/10m/3m in just a 2 year span. Plat sale was held last december and prices were steady till now. If pets will be sold with a platinum price tag which coerse with gold prices, market fluctuations will be sent to a minimum or none entirely. If anybody wants a pet and has money to do so, they can buy them if they want to. The event is also limited so long term effects should'nt be a problem. There's no downside for price drops either, not everybody can afford to buy plats and if they do this event, I'd say put eggs on minimum numbers sold each day and not all at once. That will funnel potential price fluctuations and market prices steady.

If hoarders held pets back, its their problem, prices won't go up anytime soon and since the game's gold economy is dwindling, there's no point holding on and waiting for prices to go up.