People would rather just run graveyard,its easier and there are just not enough rewards in maus maps comparing it to the difficulty. Add new item "urn" of something available in and after maus 2.put in gold,ankhs,random buffs(auto enable not items).make a jewel that you upgrade levels by feeding it tokens.

Have it where you can pick from 3options to upgrade,costing more as its upgraded more(this jewel only available maus2+,need new chest to put it in though).y

Ex: the jewel maxed out could offer any combo of stats(maybe one per char only?) Like, Crit 1%, 80 health,1.5 damg.(values are just random,that's on Sts)

Basically make your own jewel buy using tokens to up it.

Just a random sleepy thought but we need to get the players in Maus, majority of players won't touch maus.

Think of the requisite to unlock next stage -_- I'm sure its all done in maus.

GL all, don't be afraid of the mausoleum!

Any renditions to this idea are encouraged.

Ign: Archonmage