Quote Originally Posted by Eagle Eye229 View Post
Ok so ive been annoyed by this for some time.

StS please move the ankh/plat revive selection pop-up ANYWHERE but directly over our character.it makes it virtually impossible to tell if we can rev safely and not just guess.

There's got to be a different way to do this.revives already have lag issues at least move that dang pop-up or make it smaller.

I would assume that the vast majority would agree.

Thank you for your time

Ign: Archonmage
Yeah.... This happened to me yesterday........ Used like 5 anks because everytime I revived I would be sent RIGHT BACK to my maker..... There should definitely be like a good 5 sec immunity... Only option now is to just lay there DEAD for awhile and guesstimate when would be a good time to revive, lol..... I called someone a NOOB for just laying there but, it was all just mutual jokes and fun ... ....