Quote Originally Posted by Eagle Eye229 View Post
You still have all your stuff so you lose only pets(not really lost,just not where you want them) If you spent that much real money on one character I'm pretty sure you should be EXTRA weary to not do anything that would ruin said character.

These figures I would assume are for a PvP character so to me,don't even go to pve maps or touch quests.you should be only going to PvP maps.

Accidents are a result of an action,you control your actions.

The word "accident" is the variable of conflict.if its a bug getting xp from PvP or other things that sts can look at and say"yeah,that's not suppose to happen",then they should fix it.

Miss clicking or brain farts are not on a developers list of "things that must be fixed".

I expect ppl to hate on this post, jist trying to share insight.

Note:this is an opinion, if yours isn't the same let's keep it civil.

Thank you for your time.
Well seeing how i spend most of my time on paradise pier and the lvl booster is right in the middle of the map i don't see how this is all my fault. If you hit a skill anywere near it it draws you right into and automatically brings up the purchase screen. So I'm supposed to be scared to hit a skill while I'm on pier? Again not sure how this is all my fault.should I just not help support this game anymore? Am I supposed to be afraid to have 250 plat plus or more in my account? You have the option to turn platinum confirmation on, this really doesn't fix or help the problem. If your spamming skills on pier you can still purchase it by accident. All's it does is add one extra click to it...not really a full proof plan. And on occasion during the event after updates and server updates platinum confirmation reset itself to off. All's I'm asking for is some kinda option to recover a lvl. Like a 24 hour option to delvl if you accidently hit it. Or move the lvl booster to the side of the map instead of the middle. Doesn't have to be what I suggested in the post.