Can we fix the int sets next update? They can play against 1h and shield. But when it comes to 2 hand weapons new int set doesnt stand a chance. My friend is a pally. He has str gear with a 2 hand sword and it seems like his skill damage is better than mine. Im a pure int mage thats not how it should work. Another 1 of my friends is l80 with derex set. And he has 40 more armor than me. Why does a l80 dex set have more armor than a l85 int set? You could fix this by nerfing the armor that 2h weapons get. Pvp simply isnt fun when your playing with an int set at end game. No matter how hard i try. If someone has a 2 hand str/dex weapon i cant kill them. The l85 str sets have 200 more armor than a pure int mage with oktal, mantex wand, and eye. Thats while the person with str is unbuffed. How is one supposed to kill something with such high armor and such high dodge? The 700 dmg i get with oktak great. 1 hands are still a struggle but not as bad.