Quote Originally Posted by Antispace View Post
Im quite sure u dont want this to get removed, thatd the feature that slots are kept closed for, e.g. people who get dced or refreshed chrome etc. This aint bad this is definetly a good feature imo, imagine u r in a map and u dc becauade ur phone changes from mobile data to wifi or whatever and u connect back and ur slot is instantly taken

Tho i totally agree on the /join command and id add an /ignore command too

Ign Stun
I totally agree with you but because you can not directly join m2-4 like normal maps. If someone doesn't come back the game mauso becomes very difficult with 3-2 plays and people leave. If someone else can't join u basically have to restart from m1 which is sad. This is why I prefer to party as people who Pt are committed to finished the levels more often