Well I'm finally complete!!!$! I was running Lions den but it wasn't happening. I went over to my fav map Nuris Madness & on the 2nd or 3rd pass I got a fricking Glyphic blade steel to drop! Finally! The gypsy Nuri has been good to me. :-)
My timeline
10/2 crafted Demonic Cloth (found steel @Lion Tamer)
10/11 crafted Demonic Hoody (bought steel @CS for $299,000 gold)
10/17 crafted Demonic Wand (found steel @Nuris Madness)
10/21 crafted Demonic Bracer (found steel @Nuris Madness plus Kelstrick gave me one Ty!)
Oooh it was a looong 19 days of grinding/farming to craft that set. I felt like it was never gonna happen. You were right MoogerFooger, your luck can turn around if you don't give up & keep at it. The last couple days & the week have been good...not fast but steady. Now I can join the rest with their flames on...some people got it so quick! Like in Sept!