Slaveleia, got the Charmin' Staff set last night (finally broke down and bought the Hood) and really liking it alot. Will pick up the Wand/Bracer this weekend. BTW, I caught a lucky streak last night and in addition to some scraps, I got a steel. Since I already had Wood (so to speak) I figured I might as well craft a Basic Glyph Bracer. So imagine my surprise when I saw your name on the first page of Custom Hand Grips. Needless to say I made sure to purchase yours! Anyhow, just need a few pieces of cloth left and then I'll start buying up steel.

I hope your Custom Hand Grip sales pay off! Really good play on your part as I liquidated all my Sewer crafts in hopes that the junk pinks I caught early in Nuri's would grow in value when the Devs nerfed the drop rate. (Seemed like a good strategy but didn't play out like I hoped) Can't wait to see you in Demonic gear soon!