If anyone has played an endgame mage recently in pvp you know the struggle and the frustration of sheild breaking or getting 1 hit through sheild (I'm near max gear it's not my gear) but I'm not here to complain about that I'm asking for mages to be put in a better support role then they are now. I have a couple suggestions on how we could make mages play the role of support much better. I think and I'm sure a lot of mages can agree with me that the dragon staff is one of the best weapons ever created in pve and pvp. I would like for it's charged attack to become a skill. (maybe replace curse?) the skill would have to be changed slightly but basically it does aoe damage protects your teammates and gives them a slight buff. If this could be implemented it could make having a mage a big deal to support rogues. Yes I know you can just use the staff but that's not really what I want I would like mages to play better into a class they are supposed to be. Again I'm not asking for a whole change to the mage class just to replace a skill (curse) which isn't all that used other then for twinks. With the addition of a skill like that of the dragon proc it would add an aspect to mages that would promote their use as a buffer (if that's a word) or support. I'm not asking for more damage or sheild to bring mages up to 1v1 rogues. Mages just aren't supposed to do that we are supposed to be supports and if you want to be tanky play a war or want to do damage play a rogue.

Ps-I'm sorry if I rambled a little bit but this has been on my mind a lot and is a bit hard to explain