Quote Originally Posted by Minisalami View Post
Well, what did u expect him to say ? We made a terrible mistake and have no idea till now how to correct it without making things even worse ?
What mistake? Farmers are now able to get rich the economy is actually thriving ATM people have more gold to spend and items are relatively cheap still ...if gold loot was as terrible as you keep putting it arcane deary would be over five MIL and the other arcane over 10 each name one item besides a few lb vanities (they got rarer with the recent bans) that went up drastically...
Secondly I have personally witnessed justg admit he and his team have made mistakes in the past they're a very open company and care about their players even when it may seem like they don't.
Thirdly there's plenty of gold sinks in game already and adding more won't necessarily do anything because you can't force us to spend gold...
Lastly why not just enjoy the rest if this season while we can new expansion is coming soon and I'm betting it's going to be amazing.
Have a good day lunchmeat