This is a problem that needs to be addressed . It bothers me how people belittle the importance of properly ending a fight with great reverence. Now before I go into my rant I'd like to point out that I started PL in mid-late 2011 and everything I know about pvp and PL is from that point in time and anything from the beginning/before 2011 Is unknown to me.

So what does "gf" mean?
Origin: UNK, possibly brought from another game but has been in the game ever since I started pvp/probably since the beg. pvp it's self. Perhaps Cinco? Or some fed up 12 year old who got tired of being rushed? Who knows
Meaning?: Usually when the fight is fought in a fair setting, with set ground rules: GO system, kitting allowed, no treeing, no cheating. Once the fight come to an end, both players say "gf" to each other as a sign of sportsmanship.

Now lets move on the meaning of GG.
Phrase: GG
Origin: Most likely some triggered 12 year old.
Meaning: GG/ "good game?" Usually said at the end of the game/match NOT a fight.

Ladies and gentlemen lets stick to our roots and have some pride in the fundamentals this game was built upon by other players. Lets not forget the legacy of other legends and continue this tradition. Most likely everyone that still makes use of the forums is most likely an oldie anyways so this isn't directed towards anyone on here.

Lets continue playing this game the way it was not meant to be played and carry on!

Now it's your turn to comment below on your Pl pet peeve. Have a fine PL day.