Quote Originally Posted by Avaree View Post
Lol, what attracts players to arcane lgends then? To be just like another game? Auto attacks (--- boring... dismantle items for indredients to make something else to improve a looted weap (--- boring. Nothing wrong with earning more gold than gold cap maybe sts should increase it to 199m The auction and trade windows are fine.

To the OP:......People get scammed by gifting players their item(s). If you cant afford to replace the items given, insist in a security deposit of what the item is worth. Players get scammed by not paying attention.

Yes, I allowed myself to get scammed, by not being fully awake, and not thoruoughy reading item description.
It's not that I can't afford the gear..... I can buy new one , it's about kicking those scammers out of game make the game better place to play and give the gear back to who scammed , you know not only scam is the problem cu there is players lend other players gear and than that player get banned ! Not a scam see , those also need to be helped cuz many and many of them left game , we don't wanna lose friends cuz of scammers and banned we want them to be helped , I already have a system that can make that happen I need any of the devs to contact me and I'll send it to them .