I found several, and will keep listing when I find more.

-Forest Haven's TUTORIAL for new characters has the old User Interface
-Smack-A-Lantern does damage with pink colors(I don't know if this is supposed to happen)
-When promoting a member into a Recruiter, it says, "Insert Name" is now an Officer instead of Recruiter.
-When fighting Smack-A-Lantern, you can accidentally get too close to the exit and be teleported away from the fight
-Shifty should have a rather "shop" function instead of randomly charging players
-Some NPCs do not give Trick/Treat Function, there is well over 50 NPCs that do, so quest is completable
-Invisible button that opens lower part of HUD IS STILL THERE!!!

Had a couple more, I'll post if I stumble upon them again.
Feel free to add to this.
Bugs and glitches, what you want to see changed, also.