Quote Originally Posted by Justg View Post
It's great to offer opinions (example: "I don't like plat for these dungeons"), even better to offer alternatives (example: "I'd be fine paying tokens or gold").

However, it is not fine to rant, or insult, or otherwise contribute towards a negative situation. (Example: "Boring. Another greedy cash-grab by lazy devs".)

We're here, and very interactive with the community. Accordingly, we don't want to wade through tons of poison to get feedback (just check some other games' forums and you'll see what I mean).

If you want us to hear you, be collaborative. We'll reciprocate.

Here's a suggestion:

Back in the day you guys would occasionally host livestreams on Google Hangout.
How about setting a certain date where you and another dev answer all of our questions. I can't imagine how stressfull and dissapointing it must be for you guys to have to read through the same negative comments (this includes me) over and over again. People are extremely bored with the game and important questions remain unanswered.

This would definitely bring some positivity into this community as we can actually see you guys still being passionate about this game.