Regardless of the new pets armor low lvls already have to much armor between mm and awakes. Its to late to fix anything current all lvls pretty much need the dmg/armor ratio of lvl 61. My 13 rogue has higher dmg than most 15s and i can barely put a dent in tanks with 1.3k armor or higher. If sts doesnt want to spend time on low lvls then just give us a full mythic, arcane or set rarity items and let us be done with it. The scaling for low lvls is currently making all legendary gear worse then previous gear. So theres no point in even scaling new items to begin with. I dont understand sts logic on abandoning low lvls in recent years. Low lvls were probally close in contributing to funding this game as endgame players are since plat has pretty much been the only way for low lvls to make gold. Has sts not noticed that most players started quitting because the lack of attention low lvls has gotten. Low lvl players started quitting and everything kinda went into the domino effect from there. So at this point regardless of the new pet the armor is just way to high for low lvls and the dmg right now will never be high enough to counter the armor. New scaled gear is the only way to balance low lvls imo.