The purpose behind expansion was for STS to make money as it would push players to buy platinum. However, STS shifted it to making a gold sink so people could use up their gold earned in mausoleum/ elite south gates because prices for things were rising and things were increasing exponentially and gold was becoming less valuable. This was successful but now people complain about losing gold to run 66k gold run. You are NOT being pushed to do it so dont complain about using up your gold because you are not patient to run once a day ( this is bad design, i agree) or want to level up fast. This map was not designed for gold so it is futile to complain about losing gold. This was requested by the community so don't blame STS because this is the solution they came up with. You are not wasting money because you still get gameplay out of it and xp for cap which i agree does nothing. Sad to say this, but i am starting to feel like STS stopped caring. I even doubt that they will read or respond to this. I can 100% guarantee people will complain again when Km3 is back as gold loot weapons will start to lose their value since many many people will prefer to farm locked because it is so much easy and less effort than farming m6 or elite gates. furthermore, people used to complain about being slaves to Km3 and asked for solution and now they want it back again. PVP is important and i do belive they should bring LB back on it.