Thanks for this Leon ... its interesting to see the amount of mobs there are in each map, i like all those technicalities?!?!?

Personally i kinda ignored the mob kill aps thing and focused on the boss kills aps ... that way the mob kills kinda take care of themselves?!?!?
You need the boss kills for aps as well ... and 1000 elite boss kills in each area takes a fair amount of time .. so why not kill two birds with one stone so to speak?
With elite boss kills its not so much the mob counts in each map that are significant to the fastest way to get the 1k elite boss kill aps .... what you have to look for is the best map with the most optimal pull points where you can gather as many mobs together to kill all at once, and the minimum amount of mobs you need to kill in order to spawn the boss ... balanced with how long the maps are. For instance some maps are a lot longer than others, so it takes you longer to get through to the end. The key to the fastest way to get the aps is not so much the amount of mobs you kill in a map, but more how many mobs per second you can kill. Kill the minimum amount of mobs you need to spawn the boss, and then just run straight to the boss.

Take Brackenridge for example, most of the maps are "physically" long ... so i ran the first map as its the shortest distance.

In Ydra forest i ran Rooks Hideout, as again its the shortest map and the mob pulls are specifically tight.

Dead City was the Arcanum Castle, which is by far the shortest map in the area ... plus its a three point mob pull to maximise kills per second

Kraken Isles is the most frustrating as all those maps are long, and the amount of mobs to kill seems higher than other places in order for the boss to spawn. I did a mixture here as i found it intensely tedious. And take note that Southern Seas doesnt count every kill of the boss ... its like 1 counted in 2 or 3 three kills.

In Nordr i did some Jurn Woods ... but ended up in Oltgar Keep .... in the keep you can pull big mobs together and kill them fast.

Shuyal is Undim fields if you have speed set ... theres about 4 places in map you will find the boss, and 80 percent of the time the boss spawns in exactly the same space ... with a good team you can kill a boss in about 40 seconds, though there is an art form to this map!
Without speed set youre prob best with Astral Tower ... i love this map as you can kill the mobs in the first room and the room to the north, then run all the way to room just before the boss, creating a massive mob pull which you annihilate all at once?!?!? Great fun

Tindrin is Magma Corridor ... big mobs in there and much faster than the wilds ..... with good team and precise/minimal pull points you can rattle through those maps in a little over 1 minute 35 seconds.

Glinstone is the Gnomish ruins ... when Northal is awake .... and the best thing is if you are doing the aps solo, theres always a supply of randoms to help you out here.

And Underhul is Southern Gates ... few mobs need to be killed to spawn the boss than the other maps ... plus the mobs get tough to kill at the Citadel level.

Im a warrior .... and a lot of the low level maps i ran solo ... so it was very very slow .... the rogues can of course not worry so much about big pulls but just kinda run through the map killing fast without stopping .... its hilarious to run behind them through swathes of dead and dying mobs lol. You can solo up to about Nordr, then things slow down unless you got a party, so join a friendly guild where there are others in a similar position to you who you can run with!

My thread here shows detailed maps of all the areas in AL ... so you can see each maps length etc etc etc ... and boss positions .... just dont look unless you want a spoiler ... SPOILER ALERT