To be perfectly honest, I don't think removing pets will save pvp. Pvp started on its downhill slide as soon as they introduced gems. Then came the para, eye, and eventually jewels. The para buff completly destroyed twinking for the most part. Now with all the insane amounts of possible awakens, nobody except the insanely rich stand a chance in pvp. Nobody enjoys getting killed over and over by the same player, and I can't imagine ganging people to get a better kdr is much fun either. Long story short, removing pets most likely won't have an affect on pvp. If there is any chance, imo, it would be to remove all gems/jewels and awakens if pvp is ever to be as active as it used to be. We all know this will never happen as people have spent 10's of millions to aquire there op gear, so I can't see pvp bouncing back ever again. There is so little motivation for lower/middle class people to enter a pvp arena, and without them, the people who spent so much on there toon have nobody to even fight. Kinda a gloom and doom opinion but this is how I truthfully see it.