First of all thanks to cinco who is keeping replying us in all (or almost all) threads. Reading about teams and agreeing perfectly with the statement of "we have already pvp teams with lot of players". I guess this FFA should be a larger map with 4 different teams. Blu read green and yellow. Each team 2 players.
-not lag caused by the amount of players (always 8 players like tdm)
- need a larger area for this. The desert of dead city might be a cool location (just an idea)
- agree with cinco about match must start with all players rdy (maybe can start with 1 on each team)
- if each team has 2 players maybe might be nice add a coloured tower for each team (place where we spawn and place to defend). This is just a suggestuon that might make the system too complicated?
- last suggestion is to add gold loot for a player killed (like 1k?).
In my opinion those ideas will surely make it ACTIVE.
(Gold loot might be a problem cause of possible players who dummies. Maybe the match could be timed? Or after tower destroied that team is out? So the other players destroies the tower of the dummy and he will be booted from map? Just few ideas came by writing xD.
Your opinion guys


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