Quote Originally Posted by Azebor View Post
#1 - I spent enough time in the current lvl 10/16 twink pvp and enough millions on pets and awakening twink gear to know that the "outrage" would be worth the solution.

#2 & #3 - These will be needed for twink if #1 were to take place, especially since #1 also includes changing pet armor to a % bonus armor.

Rather than not proposing a solution, let's look at some numbers:
- A lvl 10 mage can easily have about 500 base armor with jewels and without awakenings or pet. Currently, it is reasonable for a lvl 10 mage to have over 1,200 armor (without belt or dreambot). If nerf #1 were to take place, you would need 140% bonus armor to get back to 1,200 armor from 500. Considering that the current best % bonus armor awaken is 5%, good luck hitting 140%. That is why #2 & #3 needs to be considered if #1 were to happen (especially with higher twink levels, ex: lvl 16 arcane weapons).

"Impossible"? - "You'll be okay."
Doesnt matter, it will never happen. I guarantee it. They arent going to do something that would cause that amount of back lash. Nobody cares if you are okay with it yourself because most people wouldnt be okay with it. Nuff said