Heya g thanks for this great news
What I think will make this a awesome f2p game is
1: an auto gift back system
It will reduce scamming u can gift something for 3 hours or 3 days or yea u get the picture if the time expired it gets gifted back to the original person who gifted the item

2: Les lag in raids plz ;-; flame forge mages do it on purpose (I'm one of emm sometimes)

3: plat prices decrease an become affordable I mean paying more than 1k rands ( South Africa currency) for 1.7k plat is a bit expensive I mean when there is a plat sale it's still unaforable i'k u gotta get Ur money's but still
4: more items are farmable than plat chestable
5: get a few more people to read emails
Still haven't got my email back from Chad XD but I'm past that
6: bring eggsavair back
I'k alot of people fus over this but u can increase the drop rate for some eggs

7: plz take the camara lock off I would enjoy the game alot more

8: change Ur events a bit the same event each time I mean I love fighting para but there can be other stuf u add in the events except the same vanitys with a different color

9: make PvP more fair towards mages
The only PvP that can be done and it's fun these days are rogue vs warrior warrior vs warrior warriors vs mage
And mage vs mages

10: add randoms events like
First 100 to find who ever gets a gift
But that isn't that important it's just an idea

11: make plat buyable with gold alot of us wanna open crates but as I said plat isn't cheap and plat offers they don't pay no more might as well remove them

12: :-) get another sponser or what ever to give us plat offers

13: make sure when u add something in the store that it doesn't go crazy on auc I mean I can't pay 12m for the newest OP gear

Also can't we rather have another graveyard points thing it's the only mal people run these days

Some of these ideas is lame but it would benefit everybody

Thank you for reading this
Sincerely oreogor