Ive played AL since season one and i still love the game, its so much fun running with team mates and perfecting the speed and efficiency of maps. If its a team you have run with a lot, then the maps are like a dance, a meditation even ... its my relaxation time, put on some music and just flow.
I love collecting items and farming items ... chatting to friends ... our gc is hilarious sometimes and has me laughing out load.
Ill help random players in towns who call out "somebody please help", and get them through a map they have been having difficulty with, and do all sorts of different things.
I still find AL rich, colourful, and deep in so very many aspects of gameplay, its definately the very best game i have ever played, and even if i take some time out of the game (which i have many times) i always always return.
If im a little bored with running content, i continue my guide threads that are a continuous work in progress ... like the Arlor Cartographer and the Arlor Armoury. It takes HUGE amounts of time and energy to create guides .. and ive been working on those two threads for years now ... literally

The game is probably quite daunting for new players as the content now is so very huge .... but it doesnt mean it cant be done, and it doesnt mean they cant reach level cap in time. Plus all the gear required to reach level 61 is pretty cheap?!?!? And you dont need the most expensive op gear to be a good player at level 61.

Oh ... and Eagleye dont ever verbally bash the Avaree .... she is an absolute game Legend, and still playing ... and one of the kindest, most helpful, most respected players in the game.

Anyhows ... lets get the thread back on track with kindness and discussion ... a varied opinion is good, but there is never a need for verbal abuse, judgement, or insults. I apologise on behalf of Eagleye for their comment to you Ava.

I think Goblins point is that sts doesnt utilise social media as advertising enough ... and its such a huge marketing tool these days that its very important to get exposure through youtube, facebook twitter etc etc etc. Its a great way to attract new and maybe old players in to the game. I remember seeing some youtube videos in the old days about the game and its a great idea Goblin.