Quote Originally Posted by weison123 View Post
Ok, so I have played PL for only about 2 years. Not as long as the other players who are pro at the game and know everything but I’m not a noob either. Remember back in the day when everything was 5 plat? Those were the days when 5 plat could do a lot for you. Now everything is 25 plat or much more so that 5 plat cant get you anywhere in the game except run one premium dungeon and.....maybe a few other things. I made this thread to state that we should get more plat for the same price. The cost of plat back then is the same as now, but now items require more plat. So I think the devs should reduce the cost to buy plat or keep the price the same but add more plat for that price. Leave your opinions below.
And a nickel would buy you a steak and kidney pie, a cup of coffee, a slice of cheesecake and a newsreel with enough change left over to ride the trolley from Battery Park to the Polo Grounds.