Hey, there! I ran into Gamertag in-game today and he had several suggestions to pass-along (he's a little too busy with his guild and real-life to get on the forums to post much).

1. New/Additional guild ranks:
Founder - Has all the current powers of a GM--promotes, demotes, recruits, etc.
Leader - Same as above, but cannot remove either the Founder or Co-leaders.
Co-leader - since many of the guilds have more than one leader, this might be a nice rank to have. Yes, they can be officers, but this would make them instantly recognizable as a leader in the guild. Same powers as a Leader.
Officer - Can both recruit and remove, but possibly have an alert go to the Leader/Co-leader/Founder group that requires one of their approval for the removal to actually take place.
Council or Councillor - for guilds that are run by a leader + Council. Possibly they can have a chat channel like /c to communicate.
Recruiters - recruit but cannot remove.

And would it be possible for ranks to show up in-game? Something like Name-FDL for founder, Name-L for Leader/Co-Leader, Name-C for council member, Name-O for officer and Name-R for recruiter. This would make it easier for people in game to join a guild if they could tell who had that ability or not.

When PvP comes into the game, how about the ability to raid another guild hall? If a guild stash is implemented, perhaps a small “raid stash” becomes available to be looted by a raiding guild--some small percentage of credits, say, or stashed yellow items. And/or--have the “raid stash” hold a flag or item for the raiding guild to capture. Those could be used for a Leaderboard stat like “Most Guild Flags Captured”. A guild who’s flag was stolen would be able to capture it back from the other guild’s “raid stash” gaining a point, while the guild that lost it would lose an LB point.

The raids would be more for bragging rights (or possible LB position) than trying to remove big whacks of credits or valuable items (other than a flag) from another guild. Possibly even a purchasable guild hall or charter strictly for those guilds that want to get involved in raiding. Without the hall or charter, not only could your guild hall not be attacked, but you wouldn’t be able to attack another. And there would need to be a timer so that if X hall is raided, it becomes unavailable to be raided again for X amount of time.

3. I know it's been mentioned before, but both the emotes and the guild halls need an upgrade. Importing the emotes available in PL would be great! And it'd be nice if we could decorate the guild halls to make them more personalized.

There you have it! From him to me to you. :