Today in my eternal hunt for the desert talon of thoth, i came across a guy who was flaming this noob. (it was in my game i was helping the noob lvl a bit)He was being very rude, and he said, wanna settle this in pvp? So after i kicked his butt, he said "ya well how many lvl 45 players do u hve?" i said "1" he said "wow ur a noob, i hve 2 lvl 45 players. And 1 lvl 35. I did this all in 1 week. Whose the noob now?" i laughed. And said "its still you and left." he came charging after me so i splained things to him.

Ultimately, this thread is to the people who think theyre great with there lvl 45 players that they got to lvl 45 in 2 days. If a person is lvl 13 and has played this game a long time, hes not a noob. Noobitity is not by lvl. Its by experience