Quote Originally Posted by Nipunsky View Post
Again, it's not about the people who capped earlier. The point is free to play users have no chance to quick cap with this low drop rate...No matter if earlier people capped. We can't cap in any ways other than spending money (which is not possible for many of us)
The only tip i can give is, grind swamp for xp before they fix it... It is the only place which is giving bad but no so bad xp drops (definitely better than the new maps) if xp is not buffed in new maps and swamp is fixed there will be absolutely no chance on capping in 1st week (swamp is not that good... But better than sitting idle imo)

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So I played the new map when it was fun and xp was good and I played after the nerf and finish caping from level 102. The orb drop rate was still great!! Except instead of getting pink orbs I got mostly yellow and green. and the pinks i got were all under 5k in like 4 hrs. I recommend that u skip the map and don’t bother wasting time if your trying to cap fast unless your with a geared up group with combo and plenty of mages (no skills or plan is needed) Tanks are pretty much useless there. I just cap as a bear and everyone know there taunt doesnt hold argue unless your putting out a lot of damage or you been attacking a monster for awhile but u can’t do much damage cause if you stomp combo mob will reset. Most character if not all have some sort of push back combo and there is only a few good spots to use your combo on that first new map. If u do try to tank just auto attack with that cool new aoe axe .If we were able to pull whole dungeon blue spawns would kill us it would be fun and a chellaging battle. Anyway if u wanna cap in 8 ours or less just run one of ok”tal maps. I know it’s not fair how people with psyko were able to get pretty much a free quick 105 cap before the nerf but nothing we can do about that.. I raise 5 toons to 100 just for this cap but don’t think I’ll raise another to 105. Hope this helps good luck.