It may or may not have been mentioned before, but here goes.

Guild Invitation/Boot Log
This provides the guild(not just the GM) a log on who was booted or who was invited and by whom. To avoid a huge list that would be hard to create(since there are so many guilds), the log clears out everyday.

I know this is a lot of work, but as a GM this would be very useful. This would help everyone keep track on things in the guild.

I for one have noticed someone(or some people) has went against recruiting rules. I don't know who it was, and also I want to avoid drama and not demote everyone. Others have a similar problem, but instead of the inviting they are getting booted.

Some griefers work slowly. It seems(from what I've heard) only a certain amount of people get booted everyday. They do this to avoid suspicion.

Those two reasons being said(there's probably more but these might be the main ones), this log would be a good touch don't you think? Leave some criticism about this, or add some reasons that you might need this. Please I'd like to hear the community's feedback.

- Javier