Quote Originally Posted by Holyfuryzz View Post
The Lv105 Elite staff and Sword deserve to be just as viable in pvp as the Bow...

Just because you enjoy using bow and talon on practically all of your classes, shouldn't mean we all have to conform to the same style and setups just to be able to compete...

Currently, the Wyzamiro Staff and Zaelywyn sword are no competition for the bow... Like at all.

I've tested it, and I know for a fact that if you were to actually use it consistently in pvp, you wouldn't enjoy it much due to its very low range, damage, proc rate and proc duration..
A staff is viable if it was utilized correctly. 1v1 its not that effective. The staff is effective in a team environment because it can dmg multiple players at once with proc occurring. I have never heard about a staff with increase range. I do own the staff and I haven't had the chance to enchant it much.