I agree with the other commentors saying it isn't their fault. There are too many factors on why they're leaving the map.

There is really no fair solution to fix this in public pve. Thats why we have parties, there will always be a superior(leader) in the party that can control situations like this or others.

Believe me, forming a party has always been the solution. Even newbies try to create parties with other newbies as they can prevent players leaving maps.

My proposal is if the boss is triggered, and there are players staying on the entrance or a spot that the boss can't affect them, then they'll always be an active timer that counts "x" amount of time before giving a warning, second warning doesn't reward you the gold/loot gotten the from map.

"What if a guy suddenly lags and cant move from entrance, then he'll unfairly not receive the reward". Well in the first place, this is already happening. Standing in the entrance while boss is killed wont grant you the rewards.

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