Since you're releasing lv3 artifacts this Halloween, and hopefully its a Legendarity that has common droprates so everyone could afford, then atleast give it a surprised twist.

Twist is these artifacts will grant a massive damage boost, lets say 70-100? Just to compensate with the immense armor.

These artifacts awakening table will not contain any armor awakes, and it could only be worn by lv3-30 players. Ideally targeted for twinks to use, not for endgame.

Problems is our current gears, very rare, will be rarer once people will try twink. Devs will most probably not support this idea, as they're pushing Pvp to endgame even more.

Solutions are releasing new fresh Pvp gears, a new chest that is opened for plat.

Some people might be anti twink pvp, but I made this thread as I'm having a mental breakdown with only Maus/Esg Pve as maps to play. Like atleast have a fun gamemode by reintroducing twink pvp.

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