Hello everyone! I had a cool idea about additions to the guild halls.
(Before I start, I would like to mention that alot of people want the auction house in guild halls. That is an awesome idea!)
Ok, so my idea:
I think that we could have private PvP rooms in each guild hall! The PvP room would look just like your guild hall! (However you do not get this feature with the default guild hall) and there should be a portal where when you walk into it, it asks you if want to join a guild PvP game, or create one.
Then you will pick the game mode. There will be PvP, and CTF, and PvP tourney.
Next, pick the maximum amount of people that are able to join the match. Your options for that would be 2, 6, or 10 people.
(Guildies can create up to 5 matches at a time for maximum fun. :P
A list will come up, showing the availible games that your fellow guildies have made at the moment. Then you click on one, and press join.

If you exit the match, you will simply appear in your guild hall once again.
So, what do yu guys think about this idea? Give me your thoughts on this, and have a good day!