Quote Originally Posted by slaaayerrr View Post
heroic cottonkill AA adds some dmg (based on pet's lvl) while shield active, legendary ck doesnt add dmg by AA
You are right about cottonkill's AA - i just tested it. heroic's cottonkill AA Does add damage to you; and the normal's cottonkill AA does not.
But this thing is not written in the cotonkill's AA descriptions (normal and heroic) - so i didn't knew the difference. The descriptions are the same in both versoins.
(btw, i probably can find a post of mine from years ago, where i ask for better descriptions (of pets).)

about fenris - i can't test now. but for jack i also agree - it Is in fact written in the descriptions (they are different, the normal and the heroic description); i didn't saw it, till now.

so yea, i agree - h.grimm is not unique - there are other pets, that have better AA in the heroic version.