A pvp leaderboard based on what? Personal kills would mean dummykillers.

What else could be a PVP Leaderboard be about? - Flags earned each month? That would work I guess. Flag-farmers could be a problem.

Bounty hunters (assassins - solo or teams) from rival guilds could enter pvp searching for people who are flagging freely and disrupt their flagging so that they can earn the flags for themselves. New Flagging APs can encourage this too.

I find it incredibly boring that friends or guildmates just party and flag in CTF and tell people just flagging bro expecting to be allowed to acquire easy APs. Make these lazy flag-farmers work on their gear and be competitive, get teams, and fight to earn the number on their Goal count, shouldn't we?

Guess a seasonal (monthly or three-monthly) PVP leaderboard based on Goals achieved instead of personal kill-count would be more desirable.