(I know there is already an Naruto thread but this is more like an all anime thread )

Hey all,

A while ago I started watching animes.
Before this I never even heard of animes but I enjoy it alot.
I have watched naruto subbed up until episode 220 I think, at least it was the last manga content episode. Anyway, I dont waste my time on those fillers
Also I have watched DB and DBZ (DBZ halfway, gets way too much of the same, not offending DB fans though )
Just a week ago I finished DEATH NOTE, best anime I have seen yet.
Also have watched bleach, but I dont know why, it didnt really get to me.

Now I want to ask you guys:
Are you into animes? If so, which 1 do you recommend me to watch?
Also this is an discussion/recommendation thread, no Naruto vs One piece vs Bleach flame wars please

Like to hear about the anime fans here