what annoys me the most is that every one who commented saying "boo bad idea or no don't bring back bla boa " are new players that got no idea where helix even came from but still want to act Mad say no keep it a rare item.. yes Im no old player also but Im just sayin the only people that have the right to disagree are the old players who actually earned the item not yall who are insecure about what you got in the game and want to show others who weren't as lucky as you to find someone to sell them helix.. helix axes should come back whether we like it or not or it's not fair because Im sure every old player that sold their helix axes to you people, saw every item returning to plat so said to himself nah Ima sell it now before it's back for plat or dropable like every other item * but now since cinco isn't showing enough interest in bringing it back or atleast giving it a diff colour, people who took advantage from old players n bought it from them believing it's gonna be back be on dl flexing thinking they now the richest