Quote Originally Posted by burntoutdex View Post

What do you all think of the 110 cap so far?

I think Ebonthrax is pretty hard to kill, but worth it. The drops are pretty balanced, as well as looking super cool. I really like the design of the new town, especially that of the Pet-Crafting NPC.

I especially like the new boat-race mini-game, that definitely made up for the long awaited Nuri's Hallow Mini-Games never being implemented.

Once a few other people cap I am looking to get some 3v3's together to test the new PvP sets - who would be interested?

Thank you for the prompt update.
I was lucky enough to drop the first pet vanity!!! Mini-Ebonthrax looks so sick and is a nice change of the common dragon pet vanity.

I’m so excited to find the rest of the vanities!

Maybe also starry-like vanities?? That would be so awesome!!