Quote Originally Posted by voidPtr View Post
NO, don't bring Absolutely Anything from the 'old stuff' back. Unless Absolutely Everything 'old' is brought back. Leader-board vanities included.
I wrote the following in other thread, but it can be also copied in this thread, without changes:

And yes, what can make the items Really powerful, is the awakes. Not the base item. Have you counted what is the maximum theoretical damage awakes addition or maximum armor awakes addition, or max stat awak addition, for a set? only for 5 legendary items(no belt): is +40dmg or +1500armor or +120 all stats, from awakes only. And if it's used 'set' or 'mythic' belt/ring/amu : +60dmg or +2250armor or +180 all stats.
Maybe Brokenbridge only resells ice,anci and epid, but these items' basic stats add extremely little (dmg or armor) compared to what the awakes add. Ice,anci and epid may even have worse dmg compared to tarl,froz,fora,supr,etc; and may even have worse or same armor compared many non-event or event items - entom/beet, fora,drag,supr,necr,poi,hel,etc... (,especially if the item is will,warfare). My point is - A Lot of items can be used for pvp. What makes the real difference is the awakes, not the item basic stats. The basic stats may differ by couple armor points or couple primary stat points (which may translate to less than 1dmg) - but this is pretty insignificant compared to the dmg/armor that the Awakes can add.
Lmao All im saying is put the old gear back in crates simply because its good gear items are to high in price for some players and there isnt enough gear or its hard to find for players in lower lvs not saying reverse anything just having anc gear in the Common goblin crates and stuff and epidemic in lock and greater and the same for ice scale nekropolis and thats all lol

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