Quote Originally Posted by kaarataka View Post
ways to enjoy pvp

* ignore dumb drama. If it shows up leave or make your own game
* understand the established "rules" of the map. If a player makes a one vs one map try to honor it. There will be rushers but they are typically easy to beat.
* sometimes you end up in a situation where the words get heated. Step back at try to understand the situation. If all that is required is an apology, what's wrong with saying your sorry and moving on?
* when two people are fighting and you are standing there watching don't get mad when you die. It is your job as the bystander to get out of the way. No you were not rushed, you walked into oncoming traffic.
* if you run up and buff and hit someone expect to get hit back. Too many people like to run up on me and think its funny to try a combo. I will kill you!
* the established pros are all very friendly if you take the time to understand where they are coming from. Until you are an established pvper you're just another noob and no we don't hate noobs. Noobs just typically don't show any respect, rush, join an all pro game and hinder the team, or leave when the first sign of a challenge arise. The only way to be pro is to die a lot and learn from those deaths.

You were in a forest fight i was in the other day and you repeatedly either got in the way of a one vs one or buffed and ran up on me. This will only get you killed. Pvp isn't warm and fuzzy. It's a place to get a rush of adrenaline and challenge yourself. If you want warm and fuzzy, goto forest haven. We the established pvpers are happy to help you but only if you're willing to learn the culture.

Good luck and good game
word xd