Ign lethargik, rogue ,Crisis of faith. Amd I promise the gm, a long time friend, now taken over by ign ilvias will vouch for me being in the hospital all week. Amd Remi personal messages are all blocked. Im asking the community to reach out for me.amd come together in a time of need. We're all a team here, so please repost. I was one day late, and stuck in the hospital with severe injuries. I couldn't even spell my name. I have all documents to send to and moderator,, I've already posted a few that shows I was injured during week 2 and hospitilzed. With sever concussion, brain bleeding, and bruised head to to. Please repost my old posts with my case explained, my accident reports posted, doctor notes and dates posted, as well as week 2 completed successfully. It would mean so much. Imagine you being in a horrible car accident, having a severe concussion, amd being one day late on an event. Im prepared to post all personal information to moderator s that show all detail. Just please help me get to week by reposting that last post with all the pics of documents, injuries, insurance claims, and week 2 runs. Ty for any one who reaches out for me