Quote Originally Posted by Tackled View Post
Honestly I try not to be rude to people. But it’s just people like you who are rude themselves. You talked about every other map except oltgar keep.. you are not proving a point you’re making yourself look clueless it takes about a minute or more depending on the gear you have for this map it’ll take a little less time to do halls. But the remapping for hall of vehl is not as good as oltgar, I’ve ran and I actually did the math for the time it took. And it’s not crying it’s explaining... If you spend 30m+ on chest and didn’t get nothing what would you do? Exactly and may I ask where you’re from ?

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If I'm rude, no I'm trying to make it clear why players like you on this forum as usual don't like something in the game that's not in their state that's so hard to understand, or do you think that other players are just there to only agree with you? I don't like it and some others disagree because you don't understand what RnG means and what you mean by oltgar keep did you farm those 1.000 chests there, or don't you like that you only get 2-3 per hours? Your math isn't clear for the sake of clarity, i don't have to prove anything on this forum to anyone who can't help but be unable to recover that luck is random and i said in my previous comment that there are indeed maps that you and players can easily complete the next three maps within 1 minute Elite Southern Seas, Eite Oltgar Keep and Elite Undim Fields know exactly how to kill the right mobs and the boss will spawn it's so hard you can't get your candy from the developers you apparently spent 30 million on elite chests out of frustration you cry on the forum, it's not the fault of sts or forum players because YOU are responsible for the gambling, for example, think you can win the lottery with 1,000 lottery tickets ? For example, the lottery is the odds of winning the jackpot 1 in 49 million, if you had 50 lottery tickets your odds of winning would be 1 in 1 million. Besides, why do you need to know where I'm from? I thought we were talking about elite chests and the drop rate, so you digress.

Quote Originally Posted by Tackled View Post
ABSOLUTELY NO ONE WAS TALKING ABOUT MAKING GOLD..... you’re not even on topic... I don’t need gold and no I’m not bragging. I just want the vanity which shouldn’t be this hard to obtain it’s insane. Proving point that this game is pay to win but most games are and that’s okay but the system shouldn’t be this cruel if people put their hard work into something and never get anything out of it that’s just really wrong. Same with when opening locks but locks are a different story because they are a gamble fr unlike these chest which say that the arcane maul is loot-able but have you heard of anyone getting one out of a war chest exactly my point it’s almost like false advertising and a scam in its on way. I understand where you’re coming from but you’re just a one sided person and that’s what I cannot deal with. Sts is not going to give you a free arcane egg for thinking there ways are always right. Even they take feedback because they try to make the game more enjoyable, which is what I’m trying to aim for too. A newbie will never loot this maul and what type of game is that to have a item in a lower level map that can’t even be obtained by a lower level player?

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So I'm not talking about the subject so out of frustration you have to type it in big cool letters? So if you can't play RPG well, why do you want to lower the drop rate of elite chests? Since a player like you desperately needs gold and i didn't say you brag, the vanity we're talking about should be rare and not only in my opinion but the opinion of other players and you and other players can't beat the system every time ''neither i mean you want to beat the system every time'' because that violates the system in this system you have other options with hard work to get gold and there are guides of players who put it on doing their way as other players can learn from and now you're talking about opening locks which are also based on RnG locks and opening elite chests is based on RnG and can work in someone's opposition for an item or vanity and in our guild i know a player who definitely got Maul of Ollerus out of these Elite chests that same player also drew Blackbeard Hooks but unfortunately never drew Ker'shal Scepter because he was not lucky and he has accepted that he cannot always win and no i am not a one-sided person as i regularly talk to players in the game about topics like RnG and how they experience it and i have regularly discussed with players that me and they accept the system is well balanced otherwise the auction house would be inundated with Blackbeard hooks, Maul of Ollerus and Ker'shal Scepters and then the players who put a lot of gold in front of it because they are proud of their valuable item or vanity, they will be disappointed to see an inundated auction with what they have acquired sts give you as many chances as other players by farming chests or gold, but when it comes to RnG that's what keeps the game running in a section, this game has to do with the fact that this game can survive and new content can be released for all players the game can be more fun for other players if you play the game differently as farmers playing together or merchants disscusing what to buy/sell to give an example and a novice can definitely win the jackpot opening chests, locks the first time same as a person in real life who does not have much money and can only buy 1 ticket, can win the jackpot in 1 go.