Yes yes, i know, this has probably been suggested TONS of times before, but adding a more in depth character customization would make this game a bit more mmo type. especially a more sci-fi mmo feeling. all characters in this game are really stereotypical and outside of character preview, all the faces look THE SAME. and ugly...sorta.
and paying platinum for a face at the face-o-mat? why not make it so we can add, tatoos, change our race, diffrent eye color, diffrent non-strerotypical hair at the face-o-mat. and make it so we have to pay in game credits, not platinum. And also possibly changing our height, our width and our body type. Give it more of an mmo feeling. a more uniqe character for each person. and can we get a diffrent viewing perspective? instead of a camera like thing following our every move. per say, pulling the view down. so we have a look at the characters back or something. i dont know. i just thought this would make the game a bit more unique
and again, im pretty sure this was already suggested, so please give me a break if this is a repeat.
because im kinda new here.