Contest 1:
(Needs To Be Posted)

Contest 2:

Small Tweaks!

1. Have you ever wanted to enter guild hall? But have to take the long walk through balefort? There would Be a button on guild hall page and/or map to take you there!

2. Do you have best friends on PL? And then just other people on your Friends List? Now you would be able to make a top 25 list of your favorite friends! So they'll be at top and not have to scroll!

3. Ever wanted to join a friend? But not want to to open List! You could type: /join sryyoulose
And you'd be transported!

4. Ever wanted a quick remake of a game? The short cut would allow you to put it in your quick chat and be able to remake instantly! /Make Road to Forest Haven: 1
And it would make!

5. Ever wish you could know when a developer was on? Now you can type /Dev it'll tell you which type of towne how many and which ones are on!

Thank you for your time<3