Adding on to what Glut is saying, the team stacking definitely a problem. When I see a game, I always pick the smaller team, or if they are the same, the team losing. It makes for a much more fun game, but I understand why others are hesitant to do that because of the ratio. I was in a game where it was just me and a 6 against a full team. Did we win? Nope, but we put up one hell of a fight, and that loss made us both better players. Auto assigning would be one solution, but I think that would annoy players. I have been on the other side, where my team was filling up and the other team had one player, and it would have been nice to be able to switch. What if we had the option to switch, but only from the larger team to the smaller team?

Also want to reinforce the statement many have been making that the 'x killed y' message is messing with the CTF game. I am running one way, and I see 3 'x killed y' followed by "Red Has Flag" and then immediately "Red Has Scored" Would have been nice to get that "Red has Flag" when I maybe could have done something about it. It is not exaggeration, as I have scored, and the 'my team has flag' message did not even come up till after I scored. The 'x killed y' messages need to be removed, or changed to a different feed to not interrupt the actual game play.