I would like to see some sort of reward system. Make it so you acquire points for killing (more for killing flag carriers) and at game end (more for a win), and let you spend those on vanity items exclusive to PVP. Or perhaps add a "Weapon Vanity" slot, and make PVP the way to acquire vanity weapons.

And a little something to prevent leavers, make is so you don't acquire any points if you leave the game (even for kills) and/or just make a 15min lockout after your 2nd leave, and a 30min lockout for subsequent leaves.

Level brackets make PVP no fun. It's basically a matter of luck. If one team has only lvl 9s, and another team has only lvl 15s; then who's going to win 100% of the time? The current level brackets actually PROMOTE leaving, since you can tell if there is literally no point of playing. If I get 2-shot by every enemy, then why should I continue playing in that match?

More number balance. No 2v5s please.